I offer a kind holding space where you can grow more skilful and go deeper in your practice and your professional identity. Maybe, get curious about parts of you, present and past experiences, that need your presence while you are supporting others.
IFS Consutation
I am here to support your experiential learning and practice of IFS. I am a Level 3 Certified IFS Therapist, trained by dr. Richard Schwartz, assisted in teaching European IFS Level 1 and 2 trainings. Please message below if you'd like to connect about scheduling individual/group consultation or hosting an experiential workshop.
Focus areas:
Healing trauma and family/cultural legacy burdens
Living across cultures
Supporting neurodivergence
Deepening IFS through art
Creating a fuller life
ITR Consultation
As a long time ITR practitioner, I continue to offer experiential workshops and consultation to colleagues who are integrating the ITR method into their practice. Getting clarity, ease and uncovering compassion, inherent in this process, will help you empower your clients on their healing paths.
Focus areas:
Preverbal trauma
Medical trauma
Chronic or recurring traumatic stress
Witnessing trauma (in person, through loved ones/in the community, or the media)
I very much enjoy supporting and collaborating with colleagues.
Here you can contact me with any questions you might have and to schedule a time to meet.