IFS | Internal Family Systems
IFS is a practice to choose if you'd like to create a fuller life, and a more grounded and connected sense of Self.
You may have lived through stressful, traumatic or lonely times when you were young, more vulnerable and depended on others in your life. You may have come from family and culture that carry legacy burdens from generations before you. From there, you may have picked up heavy feelings about yourself and the world that block your well-being and the expression of your full potential.
If this resonates, IFS can help you create, and then, deepen and strengthen well-being in:
professional roles, business & leadership;
body & mind health;
community & relationships.
Through the IFS process, I will invite you to get in touch with different sides, or parts, of your personality - you might not have known existed - that play a role in your current life, and your intentions for the future. By extending curiosity and witnessing with compassion these parts' experiences, hurts and pressures, we can gently help them release their fear-based agendas and burdens. As they return to their naturally valuable states, they show up as internal resources and gifts then available to you. This transforms the places in your life in focus of our work.
If you are curious to learn about IFS as an evidence-based practice, you can check the IFS Institute.
Making time for this deep healing can bring you out of chronic tension and inertia of the ways these old burdens color life and your felt sense of self. Your body and its nervous system get to experience relief in rest AND move into ease with roles and activities of the day. Both when you are in solitude and around other humans. Uncovering inner confidence and peace opens space for greater freedom and choice in all the big and small things in life that matter to you.