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in a gentle and safe way

The (Instinctual Trauma Response) ITR method is an approach to use if you went through adverse experiences that have not been fully healed and continue to impact you or your life. This includes ancestral legacy trauma, prenatal and preverbal experiences that took place before age three, and later childhood and adulthood: one-time, repeated or chronic stress. Both the bad stuff that happened and the good stuff that never did.

The ITR method allows to integrate the trauma memory fragments and put the memory into an "archive", so that it does not have to be triggered or re-lived in the present. It also allows to release the burdens of trauma symptoms, or thwarted potential.

In creating a personal timeline, we can find those past experiences to process that would provide most relief, prepare for and walk through the trauma healing steps with gentleness and efficiency, and then begin to adjust and engage with life in a new way.

The ITR method is informed by neuroscience and art-therapy. Appreciating the nuance of the human trauma response and the power of imagery to express what has no words, can support your healing. If you are curious, you can learn more about the ITR method through the ITR Training Institute.

The key practices that we will learn and use to heal are:

  • creating a Graphic Narrative of the trauma experience and how it felt in the body;

  • doing the Graphic Narrative Representation to witness and give closure to the experience;

  • helping the parts of you that are burdened by it, using the Externalized Dialogue.


Message me with any questions you might have about this work, or to find a time for us to meet and consider this healing for you.

Cozy Room
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